The waterside gives city residents somewhere to meet, think, lunch, eat ice cream, drink coffee and stroll. In Uppsala, we have our beloved Årum (River Room), where we enjoy an open-air city life all summer.
The river Fyrisån runs through the city, and continues via Flottsund on to lake Ekoln. The environment round Fyrisån had great significance for Linnaeus’ work and for several of his excursions. Riverside benches, sun decks, jetties, lawns, plantings and lighting have been installed recently. It has become Uppsala residents’ new shared city-centre living room – and we love it!
Flowery rooms and flowing drama
The first warm day of spring sees Årummet packed with Uppsala residents hungry for sun, and then the rest of summer we visit as often as we can. Rosénparken, Artedi park and Gotlandsparken become like small flowery extra rooms, in contrast to the dramatic weirs of Kvarnfallet and Islandsfallet. There are floral decorations and flower boxes on bridges the full length of the waterside. Various artworks add yet another dimension to the experience. Årummet has won awards, and is a model for urban developers from other cities.