

You Are A Forget-Me-Not! Myosotis scorpioides The azure forget-me-not is independent, has a rich inner life and thrives in shady areas close to water. It is often called the blue flower of desire and you can sometimes come across as…


You Are An Anemone Hepatica! Hepatica nobilis The brilliant anemone hepatica is an ambitious and long-term thinker. The strategic planner that you are, you start preparing yourself in autumn to bloom in early spring time – Linnaeus’ favourite season. You…


You Are A Mistletoe! Viscum album The mistletoe is a happy and charming sort. As a sociable risk taker that thirsts for freedom, it grows high up in the crown of the trees. Your permanent greenery and powerful enthusiasm inspire…


You Are A Linnaea! Linnaea borealis The beloved Linnaea is one of the most popular flowers, as well as Linnaeus’ personal favourite. You are a charming and extroverted individual with the ability to bring out the best in other people….


You Are A Lily Of The Valley! Convallaria majalis The lovely lily of the valley is a rare and rather secretive sort. It is easy to recognise, with its green leaves and sheer white bells. You are an independent, caring…